X-ray delivery
6 keV, 2.4 mJ/pulse, stable delivery
Optical laser delivery
800nm PP laser, stable delivery
NKB focus cslits optimized
Some progress with AGIPD background although we still need to improve
Catcher and injector motors (X, Z) are aligned well; with defroster, had under 5mm offset in X
Managed to get a jet and overlap with X-rays.
Beckhoff flowmeters were disconnected and we were not sure which ports to connect, maybe spent 45min to connect to the right ports and restart device.
Helium flow meter was on but not updating, had to restart it too.
Marco noted actual measured flow at beckhoff VS HPLC set flow was perhaps too low, not sure
Vacuum with injector improved, issue was related to nozzle preparation, however even after this fix the chamber pressure was just over the AGIPD interlock. After tuning gas/liquid flow managed to go under it, but possibly this can also be improved.
Often number of pulses was being changed without us requesting it.
One AGIPD module stopped working after moving quadrant.
DAQ data aggregator crashed a few times, Steffan Hauf will look into this issue after we finished the shift.
Could not move one of the AGIPD quadrant (Q4) due to interlock
Background in Q1 and Q3 needs to be optimized, and/or quadrants needs to be moved.