X-ray delivery
- 6 keV, 2.6 mJ/pulse, stable delivery
Optical laser delivery
- 800nm PP laser, stable delivery
- NKB focus optimized and PSLITS optimized
- Beam going through IBS camera
- PP laser rough timing checked w.r.t. X-ray
- Catcher and injector motors (X, Z) are aligned well with about 1.5mm offset in X
- Manifold-MDL issue (reported in Issues tap)
- SPB_IRU_LIQUIDJET/CAM/1 (IRU nozzle insertion camera) is not working. Power cycle required.
- SPB_EHU_Valve closed 2-3 times due to vacuum interlock
- Space (KF50 pipes) in the super-structure was too long for the user injector (nozzle rod). After taking off small spacer, nozzle is very close to the injector valve during insertion. Please check it out whether we can find any better solution or not.