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  OPERATION-2024 logbook, Contact: F.Wolff-Fabris, A.Galler, H.Sinn  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 30     Entry time: 22 Feb 2024, 22:52
Author: Tokushi Sato 
Group: SPB 
Subject: Shift summary 

X-ray delivery: stable and flat over 190 pulses per train. 1.1 MHz with 200 uJ short intervention needed to improve intensity after it dropped

Optical laser delivery: NA


  • Beam optimization and characterization
    - Short pulses tuned and number of spikes reduced
  • X-ray focus FWHM calculation found to have a bug in pixel size used
    - rest to 0.2 FWHM of focused beam now better than 1.5 microns
  • Laser illumination installed to enable particle visualization to aid alignment and feedback
  • Sample injection and data collection for several hours
    - Hits seen from Silver cubes
    - very low hit rate from copper
    - cubes, and spheres


  • DAQ - multiple crashes and restarts needed throughout the shift
  • Proc pipeline - some runs fail to processwhile adjacent runs collected with same conditions (run repeater) process without errors
  • Sample injection - copper samples continue to be difficult to inject
    - very low hit rates (few hits seen per run)
    - clogging issues
  • Focus drift - focus was tuned at around 3 pm, by 9 when we could check again focus was >3 microns FWHM
  • Beam intensity reduced during the shift and BKR needed to tune it back
    - returned intensity to 200 uJ - they asked if we wanted to continue but did not as this could have resulted in more SASE spikes
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00