Accelerator module issue
7h20: BKR/RC inform that there is was issue with the A12 Klystron filament which had caused a short downtime (6h15-6h22) and was taken offbeam.
Beam was recovered in all beamlines, but the pulse energy came back lower especially in SA1 (before 920uJ, after about 500 uJ) and higher fluctuations.
All experiments were contacted to find a convenient time for the required 15-30min without beam to recover A12, and all agreed to perform this task immediately.
The intervention actually lasted only a few minutes (7h38-7h42) and restored all intensities to the original levels (averages over 5min):
- SA1 (18 keV 1 bunch): MEAN=943.8 uJ, SD=56.08 uJ
- SA2 (17 keV 128 bunches): MEAN=1071 uJ, SD=148.3 uJ
- SA3 (1 keV 410 bunches): MEAN=347.5 uJ, SD=78.06 uJ
The issue seems resolved at 7h42. |