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  OPERATION-2024 logbook, Contact: F.Wolff-Fabris, A.Galler, H.Sinn  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 173     Entry time: 25 Sep 2024, 09:47
Author: Jan Gruenert 
Group: PRC 
Subject: Issue 

Issue with SA3 Gas attenuator (SA3_XTD10_GATT)

9h06: SQS informs PRC that the Argon line in GATT is not reacting on pressure change commands, no GATT operation, which is required to reduce pulse energies for alignment. VAC-OCD is informed.

ZZ access is required to check hardware in the tunnel XTD10.
SA1 / SPB is working on other problems in their hutch (water leaks) and don't take beam.
SA3 / SQS will work with the optical laser.
SA2 / MID will not be affected: there is also an issue in the hutch and MID currently doesn't take beam into the hutch, and would anyhow only very shortly be affected during the moment of decoupling the beamline branches.

9h45: BKR decouples North Branch (SA1/SA3) to enable ZZ accesss for the VAC colleagues.

ZZ access of VAC colleagues.

10h12: The problem is solved. A manual intervention in the tunnel was indeed necessary. VAC colleagues are leaving the tunnel.

  • Beam down SASE1: 9h43 until 10h45 (1 hour no beam), tuning done at 11h45, then 1.7mJ at 6keV single bunch.
  • Beam down SASE3: 9h43 until 10h56 (1.25 hours no beam). Before intervention 4.2mJ average with 200 bunches, afterwards 2.5mJ at 400 eV / 3nm single bunch.
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