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  OPERATION-2024 logbook, Contact: F.Wolff-Fabris, A.Galler, H.Sinn  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 152     Entry time: 23 Aug 2024, 08:48
Author: Peter Zalden 
Group: FXE 
Subject: Shift summary 

Used 9.4 keV with 94 kHz wed and thu nights. Received approx. 0.9 mJ with large fluctuations in pulse energy, however acceptable for the tasks below.


  • X-ray optics and goniometer aligned for next user experiment 5725
  • Transmission through Mono #2 recovered and calibrated to match Mono #1
  • Understood uneven beam profile of FXE PI originating from the thick XTD2 ATT CVDs. Without them, the beam looks nice.
  • Observed that overbending M2 gives better beam profile than underbending under the present conditions

Issues encountered:

  • Major issue: M3 RY piezo actuator not working any more. This means beam feedback cannot run and beam keeps drifting off on the instrument apertures. This cannot be compensated by M2 piezo due to the small aperture of M3. The issue was reported wednesday night to PRC, XRO and FXE group and is being worked on by XRO
  • One limit switch was found swapped; fixed by FXE engineers
  • Some motors moved in the opposite direction as compared to previous commissioning, even though parameters were saved and restored. Not understood, but was easy to work around.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00