SASE1 blocked to 1 bunch/train by EPS interlock (sic, not 2 but 1) --- PARTIALLY RESOLVED
Several issues:
1) MODEM device is broken, in state UNKNOWN, see ATT#1 and ATT#2. Fixed with deinstatiating and then using BECKHOFF_ASSISTANT to re-instantiate. --> ATT#3
2) Several devices in XTD9 are causing that MODES is interlocked: I restart broken devices of the FXE-PBLM and SPB-PBLM.
Then there is a broken MDL of SPB_XTD9_SCR called SPB_XTD9_SCR/MDL/BIU. This MDL is not in the SA1-topic system topology but shown with (X) on the SA1_MAIN scene, and this screen is blocking the interlock (see ATT#4)
SPB_XTD9_SCR/VSWITCH/HOLSTER_X_LIMITL is triggering the interlock SA1_SYS_EPS2MPS/DCTRL/MODES and causing that the machine cannot go to more than 2 bunches per train.
Even when going to SPB-topic this issue cannot be solved - all devices in SPB-topic related to this SCR seem fine.
3) To allow SASE1 tuning by the machine, BKR is closing shutter XS3. This avoids any beam into XTD9, resolved the interlock problem and allows the machine to continue SASE tuning.
4) We don't know what had blocked the beam not only to 2 but actually to 1 bunch / train (no traces of problems in Big Brother).