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  OPERATION-2023 logbook, Contact: F.Wolff-Fabris, A.Galler, L.Samoylova, H.Sinn  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 11     Entry time: 30 Jan 2023, 19:06
Author: Maurizio Vannoni 
Group: XRO 
Subject: SASE2 Summary of Maintenance Period and Ramp up activities 

SASE2 Summary of Maintenance Period and Ramp up activities


- Many vibration tests were done.

- M1 chiller had service (water filling) and was then set on again before closing the tunnel. M2, M3 cooling is off.

Inst Dept Ramp up

- Positions reached:
MID 2.2 mrad at 9 keV 
HED - 9keV - 2.7mrad - B4C stripe

- checks for the stripes were done:
M3 verification of coating positions and horizontality or the mirror
MID alignment Pt stripe - vertical motion of mirrors with Euler

- for the stripes, we have now a watchdog telling if the mirrors are on the B4C or the Pt stripe (see image below)



Attachment 1: Screenshot_2023-01-30_at_19.27.42.png  1.138 MB  | Show | Show all
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