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Message ID: 33     Entry time: 11 Sep 2013, 11:33
Author: Frank Babies 
Type: Firmware Changes 
Category: Hardware 
Subject: Upgrade of ADQ modules 

Upgraded the digitizer Modules with the following serial numbers to the MMC firmware version svn revision 11619):

SPD-01730 ADQ412-4G SPD-01769 OK
SPD-01753 ADQ412-4G SPD-01764 OK
SPD-01734 ADQ412-4G SPD-01762 OK
SPD-01733 ADC412-4G SPD-01761 OK
SPD-01750 ADQ412-4G SPD-01763 OK
SPD-01756 ADQ412-4G SPD-01768 OK
SPD-01754 ADQ412-4G SPD-01766 OK
SPD-01755 ADQ412-4G SPD-01767 OK
SPD-01732 ADQ412-4G SPD-01765 OK
SPD-01345 ADQ1600 SPD-01177  OK
SPD-01731 ADQ108 SPD-01354  OK




ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00