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Message ID: 2     Entry time: 02 Sep 2013, 18:16
Author: Patrick Gessler 
Type: Infos 
Category: Other 
Subject: Upgrade via IPMI and HPM 

The ipmitool is a software, which allows to use ipmi commands via network with the MCH. One possibility is top use the HMP.1 standard in order to upgrade f/w of modules, which support it. The syntax is the following (if MCH Backward compatibility to 2.4 is disabled):

ipmitool -H exflutcaX-mch -P "" -T 0x82 -B 0 -b 7 -t 0xTT hpm upgrade [filename.hpm]

otherwise use:

ipmitool -H exflutcaX-mch -P "" -t 0xTT hpm upgrade [filename.hpm]

Option Meaning
-H exflutcaX-mch host to be accessed
-P "" No password
-T 0x82 Address of carrier. It is 0x80 + carrier number * 2. The usual carrier number programmed in the backplane is 1. Therefore 0x82 is in most cases correct.
-B 0 I2C Bus number to Ethernet. Is always 0
-b 7 I2C number to backplane. Is always 7.
-t 0xTT TT is the module address to be calculated. It is 0x70 + slot number * 2. Slot number starts with 1. Value is in hex.
hpm upgrade defines the command for HPM.1 to upgrade the firmware
[filename.hpm] This is the firmware image file. It has to be generated. For example: there is a tool from SP Devices in C++ or a Java program from Vahan (could be found on > Java Applications > Other and external Applications > HPMImage)

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00