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Message ID: 180     Entry time: 21 Apr 2015, 14:33
Author: Frank Babies 
Type: Software Changes 
Category: utcawp78 
Subject: Soft and Firmware upgrade on wp78 

2015-04-20 EXFLUTCAWP78

06:50      Start with the OS Update for the crate wp78.

1.     Update from round 100 Packages.

2.     Kernel upgrade from 3.5.02 to 3.13.0-45

After the Kernel update the Modules x2timer and pciedev does not work anymore. He load the wrong module from kernel 3.5 , but that’s does not work.

So I have to uninstall the Modules with “autoremove” and to reinstall both modules. Than it works.

08:00      I realized that the MCH are not reachable. So I have to do it with jddd and not via ipmi.

1.     I upgraded the x2timer card from 1.10 to 1.17.4 via jddd.

2.     To make the upgrade complete I have to pull out the xtimer Card, but I can’t do it now because the Crate are working in the experimental Hall 49D and it is not allowed to enter the Hall without a professional. Laurens Wissmann was not able to come with us at this time.

12:00      At the noon time I shutdown the Crate wp78 and Laurens pull off the Power. He changed the RTM from

the Struck Board. The bad thing was that the changing bring up a new Problem (not of course the RTM but because of the insertion). The crate does not come up again.

1.     So I  go to the Hall with my service case. But I can’t find the reason for this.

2.     In Patricks stimulus towards I remove all Cards and put it back again.


At round about two o clock Bruno start with the update on the Struck Board.



ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00