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Message ID: 137     Entry time: 01 Aug 2014, 10:50
Author: Frank Babies 
Type: Problem Fixed 
Category: utca3 
Subject: Disk Full, no Space left. 

exflutca3: The DMA Resets floating the root Disk it was no space left.


Ssh connect to the client.

df –h ….    /dev/sda1  /  100%    (no Space left)

search the biggest Files with: du –sh /tmp or du –sh /var/ and so on

you find (explain) /var/log/messages 36GB.

You cannot delete this file because for this he also need a little bit space.

The next step is to shrink the reserved space.

sudo tune2fs –m 1 /dev/sda1

this will shrink the reserved space from 5% to 1% now you have enough space to delete the file messages.

After this you should reserve the space again from 1 to 5% (sudo tune2fs –m 2 /dev/sda1).


ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00