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Message ID: 136     Entry time: 16 Jul 2014, 13:36
Author: Hamed Sotoudi Namin 
Type: Firmware Changes 
Category: utca6 
Subject: Upgrade ADQs to new Frimware V1.1.0-r14958 

All ADQ boards are upgraded to new Firmware. The version is 01.01.00-R14958 . R14958 is the version of SP-Devices core. In this firmware some error reporting flags are added and some measuring values are added to protocol header. Inside register(2) three flags are added for LVDS_Clk, TID and Trigger signal persence. When each of them is high that means the corresponding signal exists. Inside the packet other flags such as TID Error, TID packet Frame error, TID packet parity error and TID packet CRC error are added. Three different measurment counters are added one of them is 32-bit counter that counts number of processing clock cycles between two consecutive trigger signal. Second counter which is 32-bit counter  counts number of processing clock cycles between each TID signal and following Trigger signals. This counter starts from zero after each TID valid signals. Third and last counter is eight-bit counter that counts number of trigger signals between each two consecutive TID signals.

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00