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Message ID: 135     Entry time: 07 Jul 2014, 13:49
Author: Patrick Gessler 
Type: Infos 
Category: Software 
Subject: Configuration of MMC for DAMC2 

The FLASH of the DAMC2 could be upgraded via different ways:

1. JTAG Cable

2. MMC via IPMI and HPM

3. JTAG Player through the FPGA

4. JTAG Interface on the Backplane


In order to upgrade the f/w via the JTAG Player (3), the MMC has to configure the JTAG chain in order to connect the JTAG Player of the FPGA to the chain. This is acomplished by using the impmitool in the following way:

ipmitool -I lan -H -P "" -t 0x7A raw 0x30 0x03 0x01

(some fields have to be replaced by the correct mch address and the slot fru number - see other log entry about this)

Now the pcie_jtag_player tool could be used.


Independent of the method used, the FLASH memory supports up to two f/w revisions in one image. A nice side effect is, that revision 1 could be erased and reprogrammed without touching the revision 0. It could therefore serve as a failsave version after a broken f/w upgrade of revision 1. In order to select the desired one, the ipmitool again could be used. In this case the command is for revision 0:

ipmitool -I lan -H -P "" -t 0x7A raw 0x30 0x01 0x03

And for revision 1 it is:

ipmitool -I lan -H -P "" -t 0x7A raw 0x30 0x01 0x02

After upgrades and switching revisions a could reset of the AMC is required!


ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00