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Message ID: 111     Entry time: 21 May 2014, 15:05
Author: Andreas Beckmann 
Type: Software Changes 
Category: utca6 
Subject: Update of ADQ drivers (r15020) 

Updated ADQ drivers from ADQ_SDK_linux_r15020.

Commands to install were:

  1. dpkg -i spd-adq-pci-dkms-...deb
  2. dpkg -i libadq0_...deb
  3. dpkg -i adqupdater...deb
  4. chgrp adq /dev/adq*
  5. chmod g+rw /dev/adq*
  6. reboot
  7. adduser abeckman adq

Step 7 needs only to be done once, so if you did this already before for your account, you can leave it out here.

Steps 4 and 5 is only necessary, if dpkg does not handle this correctly. Pls check file permissions of /dev/adq* after installation..

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00