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Message ID: 1     Entry time: 02 Sep 2013, 18:07
Author: Patrick Gessler 
Type: Firmware Changes 
Category: utca6 
Subject: Upgrade of MMC and FPGA of ADQ412 

Upgraded MMC and tried upgrade of FPGA of ADQ412 in Slot 12:

First upgraded the MMC firmware via TigerDragon cable to the f/w provided by SP Devices, which supports now HPM f/w upgrade for the FPGA/FLASH. After MMC f/w upgrade, the EEPROM data had to be restored.
Then the FPGA was updated via ipmitool through the MCH via network. The description of the tool is described in a separate entry ("Upgrade via IMPMI and HPM").

The first upgrade attempt failed with the following print out:

gessler@exflutcadev:~/firmware/ADQ_fw_updater$ ipmitool -H exflutca6-mch -P "" -T 0x82 -B 0 -b 7 -t 0x88 hpm upgrade top_adq412.hpm

PICMG HPM.1 Upgrade Agent 1.0.2:

Validating firmware image integrity...OK
Performing preparation stage...OK

Performing upgrade stage:

|ID | Name      |    Versions           |    Upload Progress  | Upload| Image |
|   |           | Active| Backup| File  |0%       50%     100%| Time  | Size  |
|*1 |FPGA-ADQ-V6|  0.05 | --.-- |  0.06 ||...................|| 91.28 | 8ce00c |
Error finishing firmware upload, compcode = 81


(*) Component requires Payload Cold Reset
Firmware upgrade procedure failed

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00